Please be sure to print out and read these travel conditions before applying for the tour.
This travel conditions document is part of the “Terms and Conditions Explanatory Document” stipulated in Article 12-4 of the Travel Agency Law and the “Contract Document” stipulated in Article 12-5 of the same law.
- Arranged Tour Contract
The “arranged tour contract” (hereinafter referred to as the “contract”) is an agreement between the Company and the traveler (hereinafter referred to as the “client”). The “arranged tour contract” (hereinafter referred to as the “contract”) is a contract under which the Company, at the request of the traveler (hereinafter referred to as the “customer”), acts as agent, intermediary, or agency for the customer to arrange for the customer to receive transportation, accommodation, and other travel services (hereinafter referred to as “travel services”) provided by transportation and accommodation facilities, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “the contract”), which means the contract to undertake to make arrangements so that the customer may receive the provision of transportation, accommodation, and other services related to the trip (hereinafter referred to as “travel services”) provided by transportation and accommodation agencies, etc.
- Travel Service Charges
In making travel arrangements, we will charge a travel service handling fee in addition to the fares, charges, and other expenses paid to transportation and accommodation facilities (hereinafter referred to as “travel expenses”). In addition to the fares, charges, and other expenses paid to transportation, accommodation, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “travel expenses”), we will charge a travel service handling fee. The specific amount will be clearly indicated in the Travel Service Handling Fee Schedule (Overseas Travel).
- Application for Trip and Formation of Contract
A customer who wishes to apply for a trip shall fill out an application form prescribed by the Company and submit it to the Company together with an application fee determined separately by the Company.
A contract shall be formed when the Company accepts the conclusion of the contract and receives the application fee as specified in the preceding item.
The Company may accept an application for a tour without receiving payment of the application fee by special written agreement. In such case, the contract shall become effective at the time when the Company delivers the travel acceptance document.
The application fee set forth in (1) hereof shall be applied to the portion of the tour fee, cancellation fee, and other monies payable by the Participant to the Company.
- Travel conditions with customers who conclude a travel contract through a correspondence contract
The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by a cardholder (hereinafter referred to as “Member”) of a credit card company (hereinafter referred to as “Alliance Company”) with which the Company has an Alliance Company. The Company will accept a credit card payment from a cardholder (hereinafter referred to as “Member”) of a credit card company with which the Company is affiliated (hereinafter referred to as “Partner”). The Company may accept applications for tours by “telephone, mail, facsimile, and other means of communication” on the condition that “payment of the tour fee is received without the Member’s signature” on a predetermined slip from a credit card member of the Company’s affiliated credit card company (hereinafter referred to as “the Alliance Partner”) (the “Member”).
When applying for a correspondence contract, the member shall provide the Company with the “contents of travel services,” “departure date,” “membership number,” “card expiration date,” etc. for which he/she wishes to apply.
A travel contract through a correspondence contract shall be formed when the Company issues a notice of acceptance of the application and said notice reaches the customer. In the case of an application by telephone, the contract shall be concluded when the Company accepts the application. In the case of an application by mail, facsimile, or other means of communication, the contract shall be concluded when the Company issues a notice of acceptance of the conclusion of the contract and the said notice reaches the customer.
The Company will accept payment of the tour fee for the amount stated in the contract document without the Member’s signature on the prescribed voucher by the card of the Partner Company. In this case, the date of card usage shall be the date of conclusion of the travel contract.
- Application Requirements
Those under 18 years of age must have written consent from a parent or guardian.
Those with health problems, those who use wheelchairs or other equipment, those with physical or mental disabilities, those with food allergies or animal allergies, pregnant women, those who may become pregnant, those with assistance dogs for the physically disabled (guide dogs, hearing dogs, service dogs), and those who require other special considerations should inform us at the time of application. (If the tour contract has been concluded after such special considerations have been made, the tour operator will not be responsible for any damage caused by such special considerations. (Please also inform us immediately if you become in such a condition after the tour contract has been concluded.) If you have any special needs, please notify us immediately.
If the Company receives a request as described in the preceding item, the Company will inform the agency making the arrangements to that effect. In such a case, if the agency at the arranged destination claims the expenses required for special measures taken for the customer, such expenses shall be borne by the customer.
- Refusal to Conclude a Contract
The Company may refuse to conclude an arranged tour contract in the following cases
1. When the Company intends to conclude a correspondence contract and the traveler is unable to settle all or part of the obligations related to the tour fee, etc. in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card of the Partner due to the invalidity of the credit card held by the traveler, etc.
2.When the traveler is recognized as a member of organized crime groups, a quasi-organized member of organized crime groups, a person related to organized crime groups, a company related to organized crime groups, or a general meeting house or other anti-social force.
3. The traveler makes a violent or unreasonable demand, uses threatening language or violence in connection with a transaction, or commits any other similar act against the Company.
4. When the traveler spreads false rumors, uses deception or force to damage the Company’s credibility or obstruct the Company’s business, or commits any other similar act.
5. When it is necessary for the Company’s business.
- Termination of Arrangement Obligations
When our company has arranged travel services with the care of a good manager, the performance of our company’s obligations under the arranged tour contract shall be terminated. Therefore, even if the Company is unable to conclude a contract with a transportation or accommodation agency, etc. to provide travel services due to reasons such as full capacity, absence from work, unsuitable conditions, etc., when the Company has fulfilled its obligations, the customer shall pay to the Company the handling charge as set forth in Paragraph 2.
8. Payment of tour fee and change of amount
1. The amount of the tour fee (the tour expenses and handling charges) and the payment due date will be stated in the contract document such as the “Reservation Confirmation”.
2.The Company reserves the right to change the price of the tour in the event that the price of the tour changes due to revisions of fares and charges of transportation and accommodation agencies, fluctuations in exchange rates, or other reasons prior to the commencement of the tour.
3.In the event that the actual cost of the tour does not match the amount of the tour fee collected, the Company shall settle the amount of the tour fee promptly after the completion of the tour.
9. Change of Contract
1.When a customer requests changes to the contents of the contract, the Company will comply with the customer’s request to the greatest extent possible. In such cases, the Company may change the tour fee.
2.When a customer requests a change in the contract, the customer shall bear the cancellation and penalty fees to be paid to the transportation and accommodation agencies for the change, and shall also be charged a change/cancellation processing fee as specified by the Company.
10. Group and group arrangements
When two or more travelers who are traveling on the same itinerary at the same time apply to conclude a contract of arranged tour which is made by appointing a responsible representative (hereinafter referred to as “Responsible Contractor”), the Company shall apply the following provisions.
1.The Company shall deem that the person responsible for the contract has the authority to act as an agent for the group or group of travelers (hereinafter referred to as “members”) and shall conduct all transactions related to travel services for such group or group with such person responsible for the contract, unless special agreements have been concluded.
2.The person responsible for the contract must submit a list of the members to the Company by the date determined by the Company.
3.The Company shall not be liable for any debt or obligation that the Contracting Officer has now incurred or may anticipate incurring in the future to the Constituents.
4. In the event that the person responsible for the contract does not accompany the group/group, we will deem a member of the group/group appointed by the person responsible for the contract in advance to be the person responsible for the contract after the commencement of the tour.
5.Upon request of the person responsible for the contract, SBM may provide escort service upon charging an escort service fee. In addition to the escort service fee, the actual expenses for transportation and accommodation necessary for the escort to accompany the group/group will be charged separately. As a general rule, the content of the tour guide service shall be the work necessary for the group/group activities on the itinerary. In principle, the tour operator’s working hours shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
11. Cancellation of Contract by Customer
1. When a contract is cancelled for the customer’s convenience, the customer shall not only bear the expenses already paid or to be paid to the transportation and accommodation agencies, etc., such as cancellation fees, penalty fees, etc., for the travel services already provided or not yet provided by the customer, but shall also pay to the Company the cancellation processing fees and handling fees that the Company should have obtained. In addition, the Participant shall pay to the Company the cancellation processing fee and the handling fee which the Company was supposed to obtain, as specified in the Business Handling Charges (Overseas Travel).
2.The customer may cancel the contract if the arrangements become impossible due to reasons attributable to the Company.
3.When the contract is cancelled pursuant to the preceding item, the Company shall refund the amount of the tour fee received by the Company, less any expenses paid or to be paid by the customer for the tour services. This provision shall not preclude the customer from claiming compensation for damages from the Company.
12. Cancellation of Contract by the Company
1.The Company may cancel the contract in the following cases
(1) the Customer fails to pay the tour fee by the date specified in Paragraph 8 (1)
(2)When it is found that the customer falls under Paragraph 6 (2) through (4).
2.When the contract is cancelled pursuant to the preceding item, the customer shall pay to the Company the fee specified in the preceding paragraph (1).
13. Our Responsibility
1.In the event that the Company or its agents, etc. intentionally or negligently causes damage to the passenger, the Company shall be liable to compensate for such damage (the maximum amount of compensation in relation to baggage is ¥150,000 per person, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company). (The maximum amount of compensation in relation to Baggage shall be limited to ¥150,000 per person, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Peach.
2.As a general rule, the Company shall not be liable in the following cases Natural disaster, war, riot, accident or fire of transportation or accommodation services, delay or discontinuation of transportation services, overbooking, change of itinerary or cancellation of tour due to such events, order of government authorities, immigration control, quarantine due to contagious disease, accident during free activities, food poisoning, theft, etc.
14. Customer Responsibility
1.If the Company suffers any damage due to the intentional or negligent act of the passenger, the passenger shall compensate the Company for such damage.
2.When entering into a contract, the customer shall make use of the information provided by the Company and endeavor to understand the customer’s rights and obligations and other terms of the contract.
3.In order to ensure the smooth receipt of the tour services described in the contract document after the tour has commenced, if the Participant recognizes that tour services different from those described in the contract document have been provided, the Participant shall promptly notify the Company, the Company’s agent, or the relevant tour service provider to that effect at the tour site.
15. Matters to be performed by the customer prior to departure
1.Passengers are responsible for checking the passport, visa, and vaccination requirements of the destination country/region and preparing necessary travel documents such as passports, visas, and vaccination certificates.
2.It is the responsibility of the passenger to check with the embassy or consulate of the destination country or transit country (including countries or regions to be transited for connecting flights) regarding the remaining validity period of the passport and other conditions required by the destination country or transit country, and whether a visa is required. Non-Japanese nationals should contact the consulate of their own country, the consulate of the destination country, or the immigration office. Also, please check with the quarantine station regarding the vaccination requirements of your destination country.
3.Please check the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “Quarantine and Infectious Disease Information Website” ( for information on the sanitary conditions in the destination country (country or region).
4.Depending on the destination (country or region), there may be travel advisories issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, such as “Overseas Risk Information”. We will provide you with a “Document Concerning Overseas Risk Information” at the time of application. Please also check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Overseas Safety Website (
16. Handling of Personal Information
1.With regard to the personal information provided by you, we may use it: 1. to communicate with you; 2. to arrange and provide transportation and accommodation services; 3. for various travel procedures; 4. for insurance procedures to cover expenses incurred in the event of an accident for which we are responsible under the terms of the travel contract; 5. to provide information on the products, services, and campaigns of our company and companies affiliated with our company, for the provision of information on products, services, and campaigns of the Company and its partner companies, and for the provision of information on travel; 6.for requests for opinions and feedback after participation in tours; 7. for questionnaires; 8. for the provision of special services; and 9. for the preparation of statistical data.
2. In order to achieve the above 23 purposes, we may provide your name, address, telephone number, flight number, etc. to transportation/accommodation agencies and souvenir stores by documents or electronic data. If you wish to stop the provision of your personal information to souvenir stores, please contact us at least 10 days prior to your departure. (Note: If 10 days prior to departure falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, please make a request at least one day prior to that date.)
3.We and our group companies will share the name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other contact information among the personal information provided by customers in writing for the purpose of providing each company with business information, campaigns, and other information. The Company will be responsible for the management of the personal information to be jointly used.
4.We may outsource the handling of personal information.
5.We may provide credit card numbers and payment amounts to payment system companies and credit card companies by electronic means for the purpose of settling travel charges.
6.Customers may request disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc. of their personal data held by the Company. To do so, please contact us using the “Inquiry Form”.
7. If you do not fill in some of the optional fields, we may not be able to provide you with appropriate services related to the fields that you have not filled in.
Inquiries: MY Travel Consulting Inc.
Phone: +81 3-6825-2755 ( 9:00 – 18:00 weekdays )
17. Compliance with the General Terms and Conditions
Matters not described in this document of travel terms and conditions shall be in accordance with the Company’s General Terms and Conditions of Travel (arranged tour contract section).
Unlike the case of solicitation-type or order-made tour, special compensation rules do not apply to the arranged tour contract. In the event of illness or injury during the trip, a large amount of medical and transportation expenses may be incurred. In addition, in the event of an accident, it may be very difficult to claim compensation from the offender and recover compensation. We recommend that you purchase sufficient travel insurance to cover these expenses.
February 28, 2025